Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And so it came to pass, The Role Play Gamers Ruled the Earth…

Whilst trawling through some Liberal (American style) magazines I came across this little number which I recommend to all my Gaming buddies.
The idea of a role playing type simulation to model the real events for training or education is not new of course. It rather reminders me of an interplanetary civilization, The Empire of Azad that Spaceman Jack visited in one of his Astral expeditions.
The human author Iain M Banks covered the subject in his book "The Player of Games"
The empire is ruled by an elite who gain their positions by playing in a series of game tournaments. The evil empire is then brought down by the eponymous Player who literally beats them at their own game.
Now we have the technology all we need is a gigantic pot of coffee, plenty of chips and dips. All those who have not the skills to Game on into the new millennium will be our slaves forced to work in our underground Pizza factories and Red Bull refineries

Bwaa-Wha-HaHa ! ! ( That’s my evil empire laugh )


Seraph said...

I freaking LOVE 'The Player of Games' ! I think that's my favourite Banks book - though 'Excession' is right up there too.

Jack Dee said...

What is this thing you call "Book" earthman ?