Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sea Monsters

"Are we getting closer or are they getting bigger ?"

This week New Zealand’s national museum Te Papa took possession of the frozen but very recent remains of a gigantic Sea Monster.

The preserved remains of the deep sea monster will provide human scientist some of their best clues yet to unravel some of the many mysteries and questions of this bizarre life form Questions such as,
Where do they live ? What do they eat ? Are they actually getting bigger ? and perhaps the important question
How can we defeat them ?

They remains of such giant squid species like Mesonychoteuthis_hamiltoni have been recovered many times but always in poor condition. Most often mutilated in Sperm whale’s stomachs or decomposed washed up on shore.
Out of their normal medium of the high pressure depths of the ocean, the tissues of these creatures soon disintegrates when it comes to the surface.

The first picture is a rather well preserved example found by British scientists on the shore of the Ross sea in 2000. Low temperatures slow decomposition but the researcher were lucky to find it before scavengers did.
Note the Human to scale, this creature is about 2 meters long. But a dead specimen washed up on shore doesn’t really give a really impression of the speed and power they have underwater.
The second picture is a frame from some of the first ever video taken of these mysterious beasties by Japanese researchers in 2006.

The inky darkness gives no frame of reference so its virtually impossible to get a true idea of the size of this creature
It could be 3 feet away and a 20 kg cephalopod excellent for seafood treats, Calamari perhaps, or it could be 30 yards away and a 500kg monster, suitable for sucking the rivets out of a nuclear submarine.
In which case dinner is on you.

I think that the public must now be told the truth. Few will be ready for it but will be made ready by leaking stories such as this one through the Blogosphere. All these creatures are basically of the same species, encountered at different times of their life cycle. But recently the past 40 years or so they have been getting progressively larger in order to challenge man’s dominion over planet earth. Who knows how many lives they have claimed already ?
Many have disappeared in the Ross sea never to be seen or heard of again, fishermen mostly.
Just imagine the scene, as the crew of the steel hulled trawler haul the Monster up in the nets the creatures endeavors to drag them all down to the sunless depths.
We already know the basic squid and then later we discovered the Giant Squid, later on we get the Colossal Squid.
They are adapting to counter the human threat (and to fulfill ancient prophecies).
How much longer will it be before we encounter the Ginormous Squid and then the Humungous Squid and then Gods grace protect us
Cthulhu itself.

Later on Spaceman Jack;

Japanese Whalers, Friend or Foe ?

as the threat posed to New Zealand by Giant sea Monsters grow, what part does the mysterious Japanese Whaling fleet have to play ?

1 comment:

Seraph said...

Freaking giant squids !
They're up to something ... I just know it ...